Cribwolf Talks
It’s not easy being a parent or a caregiver for an individual with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD). Fortunately, there are many groups and organizations actively working to change that. Once a month, join Lino Fera (co-founder of Cribwolf Foundation and a parent of an individual with IDD) as he hosts discussions on crucial topics related to the care and housing crisis facing the IDD community. If you are a parent, caregiver, or simply want to bring about change and contribute to projects and initiatives in the IDD community, this is the podcast for you.
Cribwolf Talks
#15 - Power of Advocacy and Rights
Cribwolf Talks
Season 2
Episode 7
Lately, there has been resounding discussion on the historical devastation from the Residential Schools of our Indigenous Peoples, historically a more vulnerable population. Similar challenges are also faced today by persons with disabilities being subjected to multiple violations of their rights, including acts of violence, abuse, prejudice and disrespect because of their disability, which intersect with other forms of discrimination based on age and gender, among other factors.
Join us as we connect the dots and peel back the layers by discussing the power of advocacy and basic human rights.